12 Apostles Hot Springs & Resort
The project is located on 78 hectares of farmland, just a few hundred meters north of the Twelve Apostles Visitor Centre and Lookout. The resort includes The Hot Springs, a Day Visitors Precinct and Hotel with 150 free standing Luxury Cabins. Given this uniquely sensitive setting, much attention is given to reducing visual bulk, appropriately scaled buildings are placed below the horizon line and bunkered into the slope; a device that also provides natural thermal insulation. Spaces are oriented north to south, maximising solar amenity and gaining ocean views.
The architecture is expressed as a series of walls, between which spaces playfully intermingle. Water is present throughout and establishes a strong connection with the geothermal water source. In a sensitive design response to this unique natural setting, the material palette of concrete, copper, timber and steel evoke emotions of symbiotic permanence.
The Hot Springs facility with over 3000m² of pools of varying temperatures and design offer a diverse and stimulating outdoor bathing experience. The pools are strategically placed between the walls to ensure intimate bathing spaces, protected from the elements. Visual connection to other bathing areas, ocean views and the underground change rooms is cleverly maintained throughout.
The water from a geo-thermal aquifer 950m below ground level will be circulated untouched through heat exchangers to provide energy for the heating of the mineral bathing pools. It will also be used for domestic heated water and a building heating and cooling. Comprehensive on-site stormwater management systems supported by self-efficient food production, contained sewer treatment system with no environmental water or nutrient release and solar power generation are all part of a well-considered environmentally sensitive approach.
The three operational programmes are structured as an integrated whole that delivers on commercial imperatives without compromising on experience and identity. The architecture promotes a contemporary and class leading tourism experience set confidently within a unique environmental context.
StaffCameron Neil, Jack Chen, MC Van der Westhuizen,
Consultants4D, Phillip Withers Landscape Design, BioFilta, Arris