Macaulay Rd, Kensington


  • Macaulay is an 8 storey mixed use development proposal for an area ear-marked for urban regeneration adjacent to Kensington Village.

    Sites are governed by strict guidelines referencing setbacks, street-wall heights and relationships to adjoining existing low rise residential areas. This particular site mediates between two different urban conditions, single and double storey houses to the south, and a hard edge commercial zone to the north. The resulting form allows for variations residential typologies within the same development; laneway facing townhouses and larger family sized apartments. Fine grain commercial tenancies face Macaulay Rd.

    Macaulay Rd is a busy road, and will be for the foreseeable future, the development includes an open space to the side, stretching between Macaulay Rd and the laneway at the rear. The open space facilitates the buildings main entry point, outdoor area for the commercial tenancies, and usable open space for the buildings residents.

    The development seeks to pick up on the industrial heritage through the use of colour and texture. The red brick warehouses prevalent surrounding the site are referenced through the use of soft red tinted concrete.


    Cameron Neil, Daniel Riddell, Jack Chen

